the company
Collectif AÏE AÏE AÏE
Charlotte BLIN
Contact presse
Dorothée Duplan
international touring
Les Yeux Dans Les Mots
Jonathan Boyer / 06 33 64 91 81
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conceived, directed and performed by Julien MELLANO
sound designer
set designer
external perspective
light and sound manager
lighting designer
Olivier MELLANO and Mauricio KAGEL
Sébastien Thomas or Gildas Gaboriau
Sébastien THOMAS
from July 5th to 24th
breaks on 11th and 18th
11h30 am
Photo Laurent Guizard
Dessin Grimmm
Photo Laurent Guizard
Photo Grimmm
Production Collectif AÏE AÏE AÏE
Running time 50 min
11h30 am
Salle 2
from July 5th to 24th
breaks on 11th and 18th
Ersatz is the result of a technological revolution that has not entirely regained its footing.
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the project >
Ersatz is Julien Mellano's freely fantasised projection of the man of tomorrow. Vision of a potential monster, this man is the absurd result of the alchemy betwenn humans and machines. This solitary specimen in Ersatz seems to be the remnant of a disenchanted future, as he suffers the consequences of a technological revolution that has not entirely regained its footing.
In this piece without words, Julien Mellano probes virtual reality by manipulating real objects. A blend of humour and disturbing farce, he invites the audience into a humerous and mysterious treasure hunt where symbols are hung together to form a metaphorical painting, strangely reminiscent of the vanities of the 17th century. A crossroad between theatre and visual arts, Jacques Tati and Black Mirror, Ersatz is the icy glow of the future already present.
Like a poem or a frog, Ersatz can’t be dissected, because the isolated elements can't explain anything of the entanglements within. Here, in a black hole, we find the absurd and the miraculous. Weighing each other up and weaving in and out, they attempt to catch up with the vanishing point of our humanity - whether real, virtual or augmented. Far from being a nearly organised narrative about future, Ersatz is a jpurney into troubled world, hidden in our deepest selves and it delves into our most deeply buried roots.
« My affection for the misappropriation of objects, twisted DIY and pocket special effects means that Science Fiction is an ideal playground. Whilst preparing Ersatz, I delved into the wanderings of big questions which raise themes including transhumanist ideologies, cybernetics, artificial intelligence and other unique technological advances, torn between a fascinating and distressing adventure that we keep for the future, and an emotional conscience from an original and creative past. It is this tension that I have tried to stage and which seems to me propitious to melancholy. »
Julien Mellano
Besides being the sound of drama about to happen, AÏE AÏE AÏE (OH NO!) is a collective of artists who explore staging and its writings. Each one carries out his/her projects of creation, whilst the collective provides a meeting ground, and makes available the range of tools necessary for production and distribution.The artists share a curiosity for all forms of creation (theater, visual arts, music, etc) and a taste for the reimagining of images and objects. AÏE AÏE AÏE has produced around fifteen shows, presented in a wide variety of contexts in France and internationally.
AÏE AÏE AÏE is supported by the Ministry of Culture - DRAC of Brittany, Regional Council of Brittany, County Council of Ille-et-Vilaine, City Council of Rennes and Rennes Metropole. The shows are presented internationally with the support of the French Institute and Spectacle Vivant en Bretagne. ERSATZ is spotted by the Onda (National Office of Artistic Distribution).
Collectif AÏE AÏE AÏE
Festival 11, a biennial for puppets and manipulated forms ; Scène Nationale Sud Aquitain.
Partenaires et soutiens
AÏE AÏE AÏE is supported by the Ministry of Culture - DRAC of Brittany, Regional Council of Brittany, County Council of Ille-et- Vilaine, City Council of Rennes and Rennes Metropole. Residencies in France : Au bout du Plongeoir - Artistic experimentation site in Tiz ; Le Volume - Cultural Centre in Vern- sur-Seiche ; Le P le Sud - Cultural Centre in Chartres-de-Bretagne ; Le Théâtre de Laval, state supported theatre ; Le Th tre La Paillette in Rennes ; Le Théâtre Quintaou in Anglet. Thanks to: Le Mouffetard - Puppet Arts Theatre in Paris.
The performances of Ersatz at the Théâtre du Train Bleu in Avignon are performed with the support of Spectacle Vivant en Bretagne.
Julien Mellano is an all-rounder : director, performer and scenographer, his creations are the result of a crossing over theater and visual arts. With his intriguing charisma and a formal simplicity, Julien takes all kind of audiences into enigmatic and funny worlds. Our landmarks falter; beauty and ugliness, body and spirit, distressing and delight are mixed up. The curious performances of Julien Mellano draw a modest ode to fantaisie.
First identified with his small pieces of visual theater (Mon Oeil, Ma Biche et Mon Lapin, Gargantua), he is familiar with French and international stages that are interested in object theater and transversal forms. His creation Ersatz was presented at Mouffetard Puppets Theater in Paris ; Mois-Multi Festival for electronic arts
in Quebec, Canada, and TNB (National center for the dramatic arts in Brittany) as part of the Focus Performing Arts organized with the French Institute and Onda (French Office contemporary art distribution).
julien mellano
Subtitles available
in English from 9th to 14th
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© Théâtre du Train Bleu, 2019. Tous droits réservés.
Mentions légales - Site internet François Fleurent