the company
Francesca Magni
international touring
Anne-Sophie Boulan
Eric Michot
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Anne Lezervant
Anne-Laure Gofard
Because one day in Pakistan he may have spoken on the phone with the brother of the uncle’s father of the first cousin’s uncle’s of one of Bin Laden’s lieutenant’s father back in the 90s.
by Hedi Tillette de Clermont Tonnerre
directed by Sarah TICK
cast Lucas Bonnifait, Julie Brochen, Milena Csergo, Gwenaelle David, Vincent Debost, Frederic Jessua and Raouf Rais
set designer
assistant director
lighting designer
composer and sound manager
light and video manager
Mathilde Chamoux
Pierre Tanguy
Anne Lezervant and Elysa Masliah
Julien Crépin
from July 5th to 24th
breaks on 11th and 18th
6h55 pm
Company JimOe
Running time 1h20
6h55 pm
Salle 1
from July 5th to 24th
breaks on 11ht and 18th
Because one day in Pakistan he may have spoken on the phone with the brother of the uncle’s father of the first cousin’s uncle’s of one of Bin Laden’s lieutenant’s father back in the 90s.
the project >
10005 is Lakhdar Boumediene. He was arrested in the aftermath of the 11th September 2001, together with 5 other Bosnian citizens of Algerian origin. After being imprisoned and then cleared of all charges by the Bosnian justice system, he was handed over to the American intelligence services and transferred, without being charged or standing trial, to the newly-built prison in Guantanamo Bay. He was held for seven years, but never found out why he had been detained. LUI (him) is Stephen Oleskey, my uncle, a modern-day hero who devotes his whole life to fighting injustice as an American lawyer. He fought for 10005’s right to Habeas Corpus, the fundamental right to trial before imprisonment, and managed to get him released from Guantanamo Bay. 10005 then sought refuge in France, where he still lives today.
Politicians and States, under pressure from the fear(s) of the nations they are responsible for, often lose their discernment. Hostilities create scapegoats: people are detained arbitrarily and with no justification in order to reassure citizens in the wake of attacks, infiltrations and terrorism. Democracies circumvent laws, or even enter lawless territory. What is the point of supreme rules if fear is a justification for flouting and violating them?
Peur(s) (Fear(s)) uses the encounter of 10005 and LUI (him), to highlight the many examples of injustice caused by tensions throughout history.
JimOe is a new theatre company. It was created by its two artistic co-directors, Vincent Debost and Sarah Tick in March 2016.
Vincent Debost and Sarah Tick endeavour to make a particular voice heard - a strong, essential, unique and committed voice. They strive to achieve a simple, raw expression of meaning that puts the actor at the centre of the creative process and creates productions that tell us about today’s world: shows in which the narrative’s immediacy is an essential part of each moment; performances that constantly seek to spark curiosity, astonishment, soul-searching and reflection their audiences.
Créations :
- “je veux rien raconter” (I don’t want to say anything). Written and directed by Vincent Debost. A production on bullying for young teenagers at middle schools. Performed in classes in middle schools in Paris’s 18th district and in Aulnay-sous-bois, Montélimar and at the Théâtre de l’Etoile du Nord for the ‘festival aux alentours’ created by Thomas Matalou.
- Philoxenia (a step-by-step creative process currently in progress) by Clémence Weill and Sarah Tick: Théâtre de l’aquarium, Paris 4th district Town Hall. Supported by Artcena. Finalist in Plateaux, a theatre programme organised by 20 theatres in the Ile de France Paris area.
They create their new productions while fulfilling their commitments to other companies (Les trois sentiers (The Three Paths) with Lucie Berelowitch and Thibaut Lacroix, Le Théâtre Irruptionnel - Hedi Tillette by Clermont Tonnerre and Lisa Pajon and the Chant des Rives company).
Sarah Tick has been associated artist at the Théâtre de l’Etoile du Nord for 3 years (since September 2017) where she created the 30 Nuits à l’Etoile festival. Vincent is associated with the CDN de Vire’s pedagogical project alongside Lucie Berelowitch and teaches at the Studio de Formation Théâtrale in Vitry.
EPCC Issoudun / Centre Culturel Albert Camus
Partners and supports
Conseil Départemental de la Drôme, DRAC Ile-de-France, Ville de Paris (DAC Paris), Association Beaumarchais - SACD, ARTCENA (aide à la création), Adami, SPEDIDAM, Théâtre de la Lanterne (Rambouillet), La Loge (Paris), Le Grand Parquet / Théâtre Paris-Villette, Mains d’Œuvres (St Ouen), Carreau du Temple (Paris), Jeune Théâtre National, The French Library of Boston, L’Etoile du Nord – scène conventionnée (Paris)
Sarah Tick studied at Cours Florent acting school while also studying medicine, and later at the Studio de Formation Théâtrale at Vitry sur Seine. She has acted with Frederic Jessua, Raouf Rais, the Chant des Rives company, Vincent Debost, Sophie Bricaire and the collectif 302, Florian Sitbon, Delphine Lanson, Andrei Malaev Babel, Jean-Louis Jacopin, Christophe Meynet, Ronan Rivière, and Jacques Lassalle.
She is artistic co-director of the JimOe company, alongside Vincent Debost. She directed Pourquoi Mes frères et moi on est parti de Hedi Tillette de Clermont-Tonnerre (Why my brothers and I left ..) by Clermont-Tonnerre at the Théâtre de Belleville, Avignon festival 2015, Philoxenia by Clémence Weill (in progress), Les Rêves d’Ivan Viripaev (Ivan Viripaev’s Dreams) at the Théâtre de Belleville, Singeries d’Hommes (Man’s Monkeying Around) at the Petit Palais (Paris), Sivas 93 at the Théâtre Ouvert, Et Toi comment tu débrouille avec la Vie? (How do you cope with life?) by Thomas Matalou at la Loge, l’Etoile du Nord, and La DNAO, direction nationale des activités oniriques (NDDA - national directoriate for dreamlike activities) at La Lanterne (Rambouillet), La Loge in Paris.
She is currently the associated artist at the Théâtre de l’Etoile du Nord (Paris) where she created the 30 Nuits à l’Etoile festival, and she teaches in the Studio de Formation Théâtrale (Vitry) and at the Versailles/Saint Quentin Faculty.
sarah tick
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Subtitles available
in English from 9th to 14th
cast and crew ^
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